神戸デザイン都市推進室のフリーペーパー『.DOCK』(Document Of Creativity in Kobe)の「vol.5」が公式サイトからダウンロードできます。
『.DOCK 05(2013年10月発行)』http://www.kobe-designhub.net/dock/pdf/DOCK05.pdf
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■.DOCKTALK: “Design, inside and outside”
“.DOCKTALK” is a series of public interviews for “.DOCK,” Design City Kobe’s official national & international media. Our guest on September 25th: Satoshi Mutsu—expert in the discovery and sharing of new viewpoints from the things around us—runs projects like “Osaka Asobo,” which brings the charm of local areas to citizens as they stroll around, and his “Mawashiyomi Newspaper” which searches for new potential in existing media as people hand around newspapers. We asked him about his “Commons Design,” which breaks free of the businesslike area of design. (Interview: Tetsuya Goto)
Goto: We can’t speak of you simply as a designer, Mr. Mutsu, but you do ‘design’ communication and experiences, right? Today our theme is “Design, inside and outside” and we’d like to hear your thoughts.
Mutsu: Good evening, everyone. I was born and raised in Osaka, and work mostly there. I worked as a tourism producer for Osaka City until January 2013. I started “Osaka Asobo” in 2008, which tries to broaden the idea of ‘ma-chiaruki,’ or strolling the neighborhoods. It became the biggest machiaruki project in Japan, with over 300 inner city courses. If people are coming to Osaka I want them to really see ‘places where people in Osaka are,’ not just Osaka Castle or Tsutenkaku. With “Osaka Asobo,” the neighborhood that’s always always been there becomes the setting, and the people who are always there are the guides. We created illustrated maps from all the materials: visualizations of the neighborhood tales told by the people living there so everyone can see it in 3D. It’s an archive of the neighborhood. I carefully selected 150 courses and pub-lished “Osaka Asobo Machiaruki Maps,” which has become a long seller with over 30,000 copies sold. In 2012, we won the first “4th Tourism Board Directors Public Recognition” as a community tourism venture. Anyone can download the illustrated maps from the “Osaka Asobo” websites for free.
Goto: You’re also holding a machiaruki event in Kobe too, right?
Mutsu: That’s right. I’ll be holding a tour in the first part of October, mainly in Hyogo-ku (Kobe City) with people who know how to enjoy the downtown areas. We’re part of the “Kobe Design Day” event. It’s an experiment to try to make places famous; while we stroll around we’ll be looking for interesting points or something peculiar or fascinating about an area and then giving it a “name”. The 10 best names will be made into enam-eled street signs (you often see them on telephone poles) and stuck up around the place.
Goto: Aside from machiaruki, you also have the “Mawashiyomi Newspaper” as well.
Mutsu: When I was doing the Machiaruki project, I started thinking about what really interesting tourism is. In all my searching, I realized that what I thought was ‘interesting’ had an element of the unexpected. You’re on a train and you get off suddenly at a stop you don’t know rather than the one you’re headed for; a vague stroll and the sea opens up before you; you smell something good and there’s an old lady grilling sazae (turban shells); she asks you if you want one when you look longingly at them… a journey where you take nothing, plan nothing and follow only the things you like… that’s tourism at it’s best. Just beyond your own world are journeys where you can encounter things you’d never imagined. I wondered if it was possible to do this kind of thing with media. We live in an information age. The Internet is a good media for digging for information, but it’s difficult to broaden our own outlooks as we tend to deviate towards our own interests and concerns. “Mawashiyomi (lit. circulating) Newspa-per” allows people to enjoy the incidental and come into contact with a different side of yourself.
Goto: Where did you get the idea?
Mutsu: I was having breakfast in a coffee lounge in Kamagasaki in Osaka, and a middle-aged man pointed at the news-paper he was reading and told the master “check this out”. In that instant I realized that newspapers can be passed around! All kinds of topics jump into your eyes simultaneously with newspapers. We pass round newspapers and everyone cuts out 3 articles they find interesting, then we discuss why they selected them or why they see them that way. “Mawashiyomi Newspaper” is a single newspaper for everyone made from the recompilation of this public media.
Goto: There’s an appeal in piling all these words together and talking about your feelings while using the newspaper as an intermediary.
Mutsu: With the approval of others different from yourself, we share a di-versity of ways to appreciate things. Normally we’d only read the articles that interest us, but with others we are able to receive profound information with the addition of secondary or third-level intelligence. It’s a way to perceive media in an even more multilateral way.
Goto: Designers always try to make things better than they were. It might even be design that is resulting in the decline of Japan’s traditional industries.
陸奥:たとえば人と人との関係をデザインする時、新たな閉鎖性を生む可能性もあります。コミュニティ・デザインという言葉を聞いた時、実におもしろいなと思いました。でも、僕はコミュニティ難民。中学を卒業後、放送作家などを経て観光にたずさわることになりましたが、学校や組織の中で何かを成したことがないアウトサイダーだったんです。コミュニティ・デザインを否定するつもりは全然ありませんが、僕みたいな流浪の人、社会的弱者と呼ばれる人たちにとってはどうなんだろうと考えてしまう。疎外されている人たちを排除せず、救済していこうとするのが「コモンズ・デザイン」なんです。コモンズというのは、コミュニティに所属しない「入会地(いりあいち)」のこと。昔、村というコミュニティの間には山があり、山の所有者がいない場合は誰でも山に入ることができ、山にあるものを採ってもいいとされていました。といっても全部は採らずに、自分以外の誰かのために必ず残しておいたんです。村というのは、境界線をめぐってケンカするもの。だから、コミュニティとコミュニティの間にコモンズをつくればいい。入会の山や川、入会の場所をつくって共同で使うといいんです。入会の場所があったから、漫才師や人形師、旅芸人の集団など芸能の民をはじめ、本当の流れ者が生きていけた時代がありました。今は、あらゆるものが誰かの所有物になっていて、あやふやな部分がない。他者と出会うことで、新しい動きやアイデアが生まれます。そういう流れが大事なので、もっと入会地をつくらなければ。コミュニティ・デザインが大切なようにコモンズ・デザインも必要だから、僕はそういうことをやっていきたい。さらに、ブリコラージュすることがとても重要だと考えています。ブリコラージュって、わかりますか。レヴィ・ストロースさんという 20 世紀最大の文化人類学者が、アフリカの原住民の調査をしていて「彼らは非常にブリコラージュしている」と語っています。ペットボトルを楽器や武器にしたり、贈りものや合図に使ったり、お墓にしたりと、さまざまな用途で使っていると。ひとつの物が 100 通りにもなり、多様性を内蔵するようになる。近代社会人は、たったひとつの機能しかない物を 100個つくる。そういう物に囲まれて豊かだと言っているけど実際はそういう状態こそ貧しいのではないか、と彼は問題提起したんです。「まわしよみ新聞」も、新聞を使って他者と出会うブリコラージュです。新聞で遊ぶことによって豊かになれるし、今までとは別の使い方をすることで違う領域が生まれます。僕は、そういうことがしたい。それが「コモンズ・デザイン」です。
Mutsu: The first time I heard the word ‘community design’, I thought ‘great!’. But I’m a community refugee, actually. In schools or organizations I’ve always been an outsider who has achieved nothing. I’m not out to renounce com-munity design, but I always wonder wanderers like myself, or those so-called ‘socially vulnerable’. “Commons Design” comes to the aid of the alienated and includes them. Commons means ‘not belonging to the community’. A long time ago there were mountains between the communities, and as long as the moun-tains were not owned by anyone, eve-ryone was free to explore them and take what they liked. However, you couldn’t take it all; you have to leave enough for other people. In the village, everyone is always fighting over the boundaries. That’s why we need commons between communities. Once, there was an age where manzai (comic duos) and other people of entertainment wandered from place to place because there were common areas. Nowadays, all things are someone’s possession. Just like com-munity design, commons design is also important; and that’s what I want to do. Also, I believe ‘bricolage’ is very impor-tant. Do you know what bricolage is? Claude Lévi-Strauss—the 20th Centuries most important cultural anthropolo-gist—after studying African natives, stated “they are exceedingly bricolage”. They’ll use a pet bottle in various ways; as an instrument, a weapon, an offering, a signal or a gravestone. They have diversity built into their systems. Mod-ern-day members of society make 100 things that serve 1 purpose. Surrounding yourself with these objects is considered ‘wealthy,’ but Lévi-Strauss raises the question that perhaps this circumstance makes someone ‘needy’. “Mawashiyomi Newspaper” is a bricolage where you meet other people using a newspaper. You can find ‘wealth’ messing about with it. That’s what I want to do. That’s “Commons Design”.
Goto: You have a new project called “Chokkan Yomi Bookmarker,” am I right?
Mutsu: I’d really like everyone to try it here. Let’s finish up by mucking around!
Goto: OK, let’s finish here. People inter-ested in participating should check Mr. Mutsu’s website for more information. Thank you very much for today!