【富山県】11/18、氷見市でまわしよみ新聞です!^ ^ いつか行ってみたいまち、氷見。キトキトな魚を食べたいですw
ツアーアドバイザーをやっていた「静かな観光」こと「silent seeing toyooka」の取材記事です!^ ^ 当日の様子(白い男女は観てて楽しかった!ww)と総合演出の筒井さんのインタビューは必読!m(_ _)m
なにはともあれ、関係者のみなさん、ほんまにおおきに!ありがとうございました〜!^ ^
【東京都】江戸川総合人生大学さんにてまわしよみ新聞!^^ 鈴木さんの進行でした。ありがとうございます~!m(_ _)m
【福岡県】津屋崎ブランチの福井くんの記事よりシェア!九州大学の学生たちと津屋崎のまちの人たちが入り混じってまわしよみ新聞。良い出会いになれば嬉しいですな^ ^ ありがとうございます!m(_ _)m
【徳島県】徳島新聞社さんのNIB(ニュースペーパー・イン・ビジネス=ビジネスに新聞を)の出前授業で「まわしよみ新聞」も対応可能とのことです!^^ 徳島の方で「まわしよみ新聞をやってみたいなぁ」という方は、ぜひとも徳島新聞社さんに、お問い合わせしてみてください~!m(_ _)m
【The Daily Yomiuri】なんでか「まわしよみ新聞」の公式サイトに英語圏からようさんアクセスがあって(昨日、今日と300名を超えている)「なんやこの人たちは?どっから来たんや?」とリンク先をみたら「クエステリア」(1998年にシカゴで発祥とかw)というオンライン上の図書館アーカイブサイト。「へ?」と思って、中味をよう読んだら「デイリー・ヨミウリ」さんの記事でした^^; まわしよみ新聞、讀賣さんの英字新聞でも紹介されてたんですな・・・。(松井記者でした。ありがとうございます!m(_ _)m)
■The Daily Yomiuri (Toyko, Japan), April 22, 2015
「In the News / Satoshi Mutsu: Pasting Newspaper Clippings Takes Nation by Storm Matsui, Tadashi, The Daily Yomiuri (Toyko, Japan)」
In this day and age of smartphones and the Internet, sharing interesting newspaper articles among friends and pasting clippings on a large sheet of paper is an activity that is gaining popularity around the country.
The activity is called “Mawashiyomi Shimbun,” or a wall newspaper made up of articles clipped and shared among friends.
Participants bring newspapers to wherever they choose to gather and cut out articles they like. They show them to the rest of the group and then paste them on a large sheet of paper.
The activity is the brainchild of Satoshi Mutsu, 37, a former radio and television scriptwriter. He uses different mastheads for the Mawashiyomi Shimbun according to the kinds of clipped articles presented.
When participants show their clipped articles, the others will often laugh good-naturedly, saying, “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” as if it is a comedy sketch.
“You’d be surprised by how much fun this can be,” Mutsu said.
His main occupation is helping to re-create communities in Osaka Prefecture.
Three years ago, he saw the owner of a coffee shop and her customers reading a newspaper in turn and enjoying conversations about the articles in it.
The scene inspired him. “It might become a good tool for communication,” Mutsu said he thought at the time.
He held a Mawashiyomi Shimbun event for 100 consecutive days. One young participant was surprised to find the activity so much fun and even asked Mutsu, “Where can I buy a newspaper?”
People who have become fans of Mawashiyomi Shimbun are setting up “branch bureaus” across the nation.
There are now more than 30,000 participants, and schools have started using the activity for educational purposes.
Why is it so popular?
“It allows everyone to make remarks on an equal footing,” he said. “And discussions never stop because it’s OK to deviate from the subject. It’s kind of like middle-aged women chatting in the Kansai region.”
He is busily traveling around the country, hoping more people will discover how much fun it is to read newspapers as, unlike the Internet, they can give readers information they never expected to come across.
- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/pasting-newspaper-clippings-takes-japan-storm#sthash.uisLA9oG.dpuf
【大阪府】大阪国際大学の渡邊先生らが大学生体験イベントとしてまわしよみ新聞を発行してくれました!^ ^ ありがとうございます〜!m(_ _)m
10月10日(日・祝)、古川橋ラブリーフェスタ イオン古川橋駅前店屋上の会場で、1日だけの大学生体験イベント「大阪国際大学古川橋キャンパス~なりきり大学一年生~」を実施しました。